Friday, October 21, 2011

The Appointment

It's been a very sad week for the blog . . . with a day of appointments, a virus on one computer and a crash landing from the couch after a rugged push from tiny brown hands for the other one . . . we did not make many posts this week AND the final entries on the Raw Milk series have been postponed as well (sorry to disappoint, but at least you have more time to do some research, right?  :).

So I'm typing from my husband's tiny computer, my fingers can't find the right keys and the cursor keeps bouncing like a rubber ball around the screen; this is going to be brief.  I did however want to share a bit about the appointment we had with a pediatric neurologist for our baby girl that so many have been faithful prayer warriors for.

The doctor was wonderful, patient and thorough.  He showed me all her MRI films (very strange thing to see splices of your daughter's brain and spine), spent time watching us interact (me and the three littles, yes, all at the appointment), examining her body and observing her crawl.  He had a list of concerns and probable diagnosis, but was able to eliminate many of them throughout the appointment.

The end result was a big dose of encouragement to continue "doing what we're doing" (which includes 2 therapy sessions/week and frequent pediatrician appointments).  He said the evidence of her bond with me spoke volumes to the health of her brain (warmed this momma's heart too), and he did not see any immediate need for surgery, further treatment, or testing!  PRAISE the LORD!!!!!

This little girl has been a more vivid portrait of God's mercy than we have ever seen.  Over and again, He has spared her, brought life from tragedy, healing from sickness, and recovery from devastation.  To sum it all up - she is a little MIRACLE!

We are so grateful the Lord chose us to be her family and has allowed us to witness and partake in His glory through her tiny life.

So thank you, beloved friends and family, for standing with us at the throne, waiting for these much anticipated answers.  They were sweet words to hear, and while the road ahead is still long, our baby has the hope of a very bright future!


1 comment:

  1. oh my word she is the cutest little thing i ever saw!! praise God for His hand on her life!!! Anjuli
